Cardano(ADA)商业投资部门EMURGO Ventures宣布对Oort进行战略投资并建立合作伙伴关系

——Cardano (公链ADA) 的官方商业机构和创始实体。我们的目标是共同推动去中心化基础设施的发展和Web3创新。

EMURGO创始人兼管理合伙人Ken Kodama表示:“Oort的可靠性、安全性和可扩展性将有助于区块链行业在更安全的环境中实现去中心化。”






本次战略轮融资将用于 Oort 壮大研究和开发团队,并展开全球营销活动

2023 年 5 月 3 日,美国纽约州纽约市 - Cardano 商业投资部门 EMURGO Ventures 参与了 Oort 最新战略轮融资,Cardano 也与Oort 建立了战略合作伙伴关系。

本次战略轮融资将助力 Oort 壮大研究和开发团队,并展开全球营销活动以提高品牌知名度。这次投资也彰显了 EMURGO Ventures 对 Oort 的坚定信心和光明前景的看好。

“Oort 和 Cardano 生态系统拥有共同的科学理念传统,两个团队都强调以研究为导向的方法来打造我们的产品。Cardano 拥有世界上最大的加密生态系统之一,他们在Web3可扩展性、互操作性和可持续性方面的远大目标与 Oort 在去中心化基础设施建设领域的理念紧密契合。在 Oort,我们高度重视学术界科学家和开发者之间的同行评审与合作,确保我们所有的开发都经过严格的审查和评估,” Oort 创始人兼首席执行官 Max Li 博士分享道。

Oort 的技术基于开源协议打造,这与 EMURGO 致力于支持和推动整个区块链生态系统的理念紧密相连。更为重要的是,Oort 数据云的解决方案还可以为 EMURGO 现有投资组合注入新的活力。

"我们对与 Oort 的合作充满激情,因为我们相信他们的技术有潜力彻底改变Web3领域," EMURGO Ventures 的创始人兼管理合伙人 Ken Kodama 说道。"作为一个独立于任何特定链的公司,我们一直在寻找能够推动整个区块链生态系统的创新解决方案。Oort 对数据存储和访问的独特方法与我们对区块链技术未来的愿景完美契合。"

借助其独特的存储和数据访问方式,Oort 有望成为整个Web3生态系统的颠覆者。该平台的创新技术使开发者能够轻松构建去中心化的具备数据存储和共享功能的应用程序,实现去中心化和安全的数据访问。这为Web3应用在金融、游戏、社交媒体等多个领域带来了全新的可能性。

Ken 进一步指出:“去中心化存储协议堪称云存储的绝佳伙伴。在Web3时代,数据安全和用户数据所有权愈发重要,Oort 的可靠性、安全性和可扩展性将推动区块链行业在更安全的环境中迈向去中心化。单单在 Cardano 网络上,就已经有超过 2, 000 个项目茁壮成长。Oort 不仅可以为这些项目提供高效且全面的Web3数据基础设施解决方案,还能为其他区块链网络上无数正在开发的项目提供同样的服务。”

关于 EMURGO Ventures

EMURGO Ventures 是一家总部位于新加坡的风险投资公司,专注于全球范围内的Web3领域投资。这家投资机构源于 Cardano 区块链的官方商业部门和创始机构之一的EMURGO。EMURGO Ventures 不拘泥于特定的某一条区块链,支持多样化的优秀项目,为区块链的开发、部署和应用铺平道路。公司深知协作的价值,以及构建多元互联的区块链生态系统的重要性。通过战略合作伙伴关系和投资,EMURGO Ventures 致力于拓展区块链技术的可能性,使其更接近主流应用,同时为整个区块链社区的成长和发展做出贡献。 更多详情

关于 Oort

Oort 是一个完全去中心化的数据云,提供无与伦比的隐私性、可靠性和成本效益。Oort 的愿景是让每个用户都可以轻松理解、管理并使用自己的数据,让自然语言成为用户与数据交互所需的唯一工具。Oort 是Web3数据云领域的领先者,将数据管理与人工智能技术相结合,并通过其企业级产品性能在分布式数据基础设施方面独占鳌头。Oort 的核心技术得到了美国专利和学术出版物的背书,并已与 40 多个项目/公司以及 20 多所美国名牌大学(例如哈佛、麻省理工、芝加哥大学等)建立了牢固的合作伙伴或客户关系。更多详情。


Oort, a Web3 data cloud service provider, has announced a strategic extension investment round and partnership with EMURGO Ventures, an emerging Web3 venture capital fund backed by EMURGO Group, the official commercial arm and a founding entity of the Cardano blockchain.

As the Company enters a phase of rapid growth, this investment will be pivotal in supporting Oort"s Research and Engineering resource expansion, as well as launching Oort’s global marketing campaigns to increase brand awareness.

“Oort and the Cardano ecosystem share a common scientific heritage, with both teams emphasizing a research-driven approach to building our products, shared Dr. Max Li, Founder and CEO of Oort.

"While Cardano boasts one of the largest crypto ecosystems in the world, their goal of solving issues related to Web3 scalability, interoperability, and sustainability aligns closely with Oort"s focus on decentralized infrastructure development."

"At Oort, we place a high value on peer-review and collaboration between scientists and programmers in academia, ensuring that all our development undergoes rigorous scrutiny and evaluation,” added Dr. Max Li.

Oort"s technology is built on open-source protocols, which aligns with EMURGO"s commitment to supporting and contributing to the growth of the entire blockchain ecosystem. Further, Oort can complement EMURGO’s existing portfolio by offering added value to the firm’s investments through its blockchain solutions.

"EMURGO Ventures is excited to partner with Oort as we believe their technology has the potential to revolutionize the Web3 space," said Ken Kodama, Founder and Managing Partner of EMURGO Ventures. "As a chain-agnostic firm, we are always looking for innovative solutions that can drive the blockchain ecosystem as a whole."

"Oort"s unique approach to data storage and access fits perfectly with our vision of the future of blockchain technology."

Ken Kodama, Founder & Managing Partner of EMURGO Ventures

Through its unique approach to storage and data access, Oort has the potential to be a game changer for the entire Web3 ecosystem. The platform"s innovative technology enables developers to build applications with data storage and sharing capabilities, which can be accessed in a decentralized and secure manner. This opens up new possibilities for Web3 applications in a diverse set of areas, including finance, gaming, social media, and more.

Mr. Kodama added, “Decentralized storage protocols are an effective complement to cloud storage. In the Web3 era, where data security and user data ownership are increasingly important, the reliability, security, and scalability of Oort will fuel the blockchain industry to realize decentralization in a more secure environment."

"There are currently over 2,000 projects budding and thriving on the Cardano network alone. Oort could provide efficient and comprehensive Web3 data infrastructure solutions for those projects as well as the countless others being developed on other blockchain networks.”

About Oort

Oort is a decentralized data cloud that provides unparalleled privacy, reliability, and cost efficiency. It enables developers and businesses to build and scale their applications with ease while ensuring that their data remains secure and accessible. Users can store and manage their data securely from anywhere in the world while retaining complete control. More details

About EMURGO Ventures

EMURGO Ventures is a Singapore-based venture capital firm investing in Web3 opportunities across the globe. The firm is born out of EMURGO, the official commercial arm and a founding entity of the Cardano blockchain.

EMURGO Ventures is chain-agnostic, supporting exceptional projects paving the way for blockchain development, deployment, and adoption. The firm recognizes the value of collaboration and the importance of building a diverse and interconnected blockchain ecosystem.

Through strategic partnerships and investments, EMURGO Ventures is working to expand the possibilities of blockchain technology and bring it closer to mainstream adoption, while also contributing to the growth and development of the broader blockchain community. More details




